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[ Welcome to my blog.]

my thoughts.
my wishes making-sweetness my hopes. my dreams.
The past.present.and future.

Precious Memories...

February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


Fellow Bloggers ♥

jess b
jerry yan
zhu rou
mish b

Designer: SIPEI
Resources: x x x x x
Host: x x

Sunday 30 May 2010Y
back for the second time round.

So I'm back from the second time round because I felt like it. I've just realise that I never can be bothered to post any pictures up on my blog. Sad I know. ==" 

GAH! I was procrastinating so much today, apart from that essay and homework I finished for Chinese school. =.= I feel so guilty for being such a time waster. Oh wellies, by now I have already finished my math h.w, and eng. speech (fyi I actually finished it 2 months ago suckers. ;D ), and studied a bit for science. There are still many things I still don't understand in science though. == 

BTW LISA AND LING: Is ko3 really that epic? It sounds really dodgy, seeing as I've just learnt that it's based on romance of the 3 kingdoms (that dodgy drama that my dad likes to watch) O__O . 

~Take me back in time to experience those memories all over again,

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~ post at 5/30/2010 10:16:00 pm ~

I'm back! :D

I finally decided to change my blogskin after it seemed that everybody was changing their skin today. I needed a change from that emo looking one. ==" But this one reminds me of one of my earliest ones.  Give me feedback on the layouts and stuff. Is my c-box too bright? apparently it is.

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~ post at 5/30/2010 05:27:00 pm ~

Tuesday 25 May 2010Y
wonderful life. (;

Today I realised how much of a bitch life can be to some people.

~ post at 5/25/2010 05:22:00 pm ~

Wednesday 19 May 2010Y
A creepy asian lady. >___<"

I'm feeling clueless right now for some strange reason; don't know why... 

ANYWAY... today was a sad, sad day. We had an english test in 3rd period, and tech presentations last period. ==" But luckily we didn't have sport. It was too wet and muddy to play oz tag at st leonards park. And plus, I couldn't decide whether to wear my trackies or shorts to oz tag (this was before we knew that sport was cancelled). It was too hot to be running in my super warm tracksuits, but I was scared I was going to catch a cold if I wore my P.E shorts. :L But since sport was cancelled anyway, we had 2 whole bludge periods of sitting in CT1/CT2 revising for english, practising our tech presentations and singing to zhi dui ni shuo; beijing huan ying ni and bona mana. ^^ Yes yes very fun blasting those songs on my ipod and singing along to them, while pissing just about everyone in the room. *Sigh* Me and my terrible singing. Sorry guys. >.< 

Train trip was creepy. So we got on the train and occupied an empty 6-seater. Suddenly, this canto lady walks up us and joins us. No I'm serious, she literally JOINS us. D: Oh, and coincidentally enough, she bought hot chips like us, and she started saying, "Hey, you bought chips too, just like me. Chips are easy fat, you know? *wide grin*".  Then at wynyard, she suddenly got up. Then she comes back down and started telling us about how she gets off at burwood and usually she changes at wynard and blahblahblah... As an afterthought, she askes polly whether she is chinese. When polly tells her that she is canto, she is like "oh! me too! where are you from? guangzhou?" 
polly: *nod nod* 
After a while, she asked us where we got off. (dodgy much?) Not long after that, she holds her chip container out to polly, fishy and me, and offers us her chips. And apparently she put some sort of "indonesian chilly" on them and wanted us to try it. They smelt funny so I refused. But when she offered them to polly, and polly refused, the woman was like to polly in partly reassuring/partly creepy tone, "It's okay, baby. Just take some, I think you will like it." O_O FINALLY, she got off at burwood. Geez, everyone on the train was staring at that weird woman that was trying to be friendly with us. ooh ooh! and she told us that she's seen us numerous times on the train. -.-


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~ post at 5/19/2010 09:18:00 pm ~

Saturday 15 May 2010Y
super girl. ;D

SJM won a golden melody award for super girl! lisa must be happy. (: all these random mando/mainland china singers won all these awards, even though I have never even heard of them. show luo and rainie yang didn't even get nominated. ==

Today was sad, went out for most of the day, so I've hardly done anything so far. And weekends are suppose to be my productive days. *sigh* Hmmm  I should do more maths challenge; I've done nearly 2/3 of it. I just have to wait for jess bi to do J1-J4 so we can work on J5 and 6. yay! it's way easier than the enrichment, I've only done 1 q so far. ):

~ post at 5/15/2010 09:01:00 pm ~

Wednesday 12 May 2010Y

Today was very frustrating. I have now learnt a lesson: never laugh at someone who is stuck between the train doors, or else you will curse yourself. TT.TT Yes, I bet by now you can sort of predict what happened to me today. And no, I did not get stuck between the closing train doors... since I didn't take a risk and "leap for it", just like lisa did. -.- So yeah, I got stranded at burwood station and the wind was freezing like hell and kept blowing in my face every 10 seconds. I think there was something wrong with the timetable screen, because the first time I checked it, it read, "5 mins til berowa train"... and stayed like that for an entire 3 min. must have froze. o.o But at least they waited for me at redfern. gosh, I felt like a retard when I called agnes and said, "Hello agnes, I am now at macdonald town". what a gay name for a suburb. ==" when I arrived at redfern, we ended up not catching the berowa train, except for polly (since she had to go to dance). sorry for ditching you, polly. there was just simply not enough space for all six of us to fit on. ):

omigosh! Don't make me recount geo. Worst experience at school ever this year. We had a disadvantage before we even started presenting, since ms rumney was already pissed when she walked into the room. She must have been pmsing; full on. :L Geo presentation sucked like shit. Fcking vids didn't even work. WHY DID TECHNOLOGY HAVE TO MALFUNCTION TODAY OF ALL OTHER DAYS?! FREAKING HELL!! D:< So we wasted like 10 min trying to apologise to ms rumney while lil was re-inserting the videos/music. We were so nervous that we even forgot to insert our vid of the globalised products. Oh well, jess bi will be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the vid when she is back at school. Hope you get well soon jess bi! ♥   ANYWAY; we didn't have enough time to film in the holidays, so we had to do a "live performance" *ahem*. EPIC FAIL I TELL YOU. We a crap load of info and also I got confused about the order in which we were meant to speak in, so I kind of stuffed up. T_T OUR VID  FINISHED AT 3:17PM!!! FUCKING HELL! So we pissed ms rumney and our class off even more, since they were all late for their buses and trains all because of my group. EXTREMELY SORRY, GUYS! 对不起 Gosh, I feel so guilty. >__<" Because of this, no one really cared about the bloopers anymore. )))= 

So since there was no way in the world that we could catch a school bus in order to make it to our train in time, we all decided to run like there was no tomorrow! No seriously, we did. Well I did at least. I had to run as fast as I could while carrying my school bag and my mcquarie uni bag (which had my sport shoes). So tiring man! What also pissed me off was that whenever I tried to catch up to lisa and shaz, they would simply just run away from me. HMPH. ==" Fortunately, we made our train. But I was all red in the face. Not funny. D: 
#1: I was dehydrated from running so much and forgot my water bottle today. 
#2: I had a cold, which will lead to number 3. 
#3. I had a headache; sometimes I get headaches when I have a cold. 
#4: I felt like my brain was churning. Ever got that weird sensation? *nudgenudge sisi*
#5: And my lungs felt like they were about to explode.
Wow, this blogpost is actually quite long; maybe I should cut down a bit but I cbb. Who the hell actually bothers to read my blog btw? Please tell me. ^^
That's all for now,

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~ post at 5/12/2010 10:08:00 pm ~

Tuesday 11 May 2010Y

Today was ... eventful? No, not really. 
mr harrs isn't afraid to use "inappropriate language" *coughcough* . O__O  he was like: "she could be being a bitch..." (or something along those lines). and what surprised me was that he had no regrets about using the term, even when most of the class appeared clearly shocked. :O  he creeps me out. =.= @shaz: wth was I thinking when I was drawing that dead bunny? O.o 
btw, what a pretty face you have there, shaz! ^^ pedo much? 
 MANDO CLASS AFTER LUNCH! I didn't bring my textbook today because I was under the illusion that we were going to be in the computer rooms, since tina and I still hadn't guided lisa and sandy to our favourite sites.  >.< in mando class, apparently there was this canto assistant teacher called 老师 (aka mr chen). He spoke dodgy mando, although lisa considered it pretty good. Apparently he was discriminating against the mainland china people (aka, non cantos). >.> Oooh and we all agreed that he looked exactly like reporter kim from you're beautiful. Except a bit skinnier and shorter maybe.  ^^

~Something I read about show luo today. (hmmm lisa, I wonder if you read about this too...? ): 
Of his style, he said: 'Whether on the stage or off it, I always like to introduce new styles.
'After all, few men dare to try different styles and tailored clothes. I welcome everyone to call me the male version of Lady Gaga!

OH MY LADY GAGA! XD I would prefer if he didn't turn into a male lady gaga. :/
He said, with a laugh: 'Actually, the product I most want to endorse is lipstick! Because girls apply lipstick for men's viewing pleasure.
'So men who wear lipstick will be attractive to the girls.'

ROFLMAO! he is simply hilarious. :D 

GAH!!! GEO PRESENTATION TOMORROW!! T_T *sigh* our presentation is fail. 
Until my next post,

~ post at 5/11/2010 06:11:00 pm ~